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In this guide, we’ll talk about narcissistic personality disorder, a mental disorder that many survivors of abuse come across in their search for answers when questioning why their partner is making the choices they’re making.
According to the DSM-IV, the official manual of the American Psychiatric Association that classifies and defines mental health disorders, narcissistic personality disorder or NPD is a pattern of grandiose self-importance and a lack of empathy, which typically begins in early adulthood. A person with NPD may...
Individuals with NPD don’t respond to criticism or defeat well, and may act out in anger or withdraw completely. While some individuals with NPD can be high-achievers, the researchers have also found high rates of substance abuse, mood and anxiety disorders in those with NPD.
Besides checking off any of the boxes above, Shannon Thomas, LCSW, author of Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse told DomesticShelters.org that a survivor can tell they’re in a relationship with a narcissistic abuser if the abuser never admits fault or takes responsibility for anything. Narcissistic abusers will also...
Read more in-depth explanations of the myriad ways narcissists manipulate their victims in our four-part “Ways Manipulative Narcissists Silence You” series.
According to Psychology Today, treatment for NPD can be tricky because those who have it feel a sense of grandiose importance and are highly defensive of criticism, which makes it difficult for them to admit they’re living with NPD, or to seek treatment. Talk therapy by a trained professional may help those with NPD relate to others in a healthier way. However, whether or not abuse will end by treating NPD is another story. Treating one won’t automatically stop the other, but some advocates believe batterer treatment programs can end abusive behaviors in individuals who are truly committed to changing. You can read more about that in our three-part What Is Batterer Counseling? series.
Abusive partners can have a multitude of obstacles in their lives—from mental health disorders like NPD to substance abuse to post-traumatic stress disorder to unresolved childhood trauma. But the same can be said for non-abusive individuals as well. This is why it’s important to remember that being abusive is a choice abusers make, and it can’t be blamed on an obstacle or cause in the abuser’s life. An abuser diagnosed with NPD just means the abuser has two issues now—mental illness and being an abuser.
By the abuser convincing the survivor that the abuse he or she is inflicting is out of their control, the survivor may feel a sense of guilt or obligation to stay. The abuser may try to excuse abusive incidents with something like, it’s not my fault, I have this disorder. Remember that not everyone with a mental health disorder is abusive.
Abusers may tell a survivor they’re going to “get better,” are “working on it” and just need a survivor’s help in overcoming their mental health issues. They may say something like, I can’t do it without you or you’re the only one who can help me. Survivors may begin to feel responsible for helping to stop the abuse.
On the contrary, an abuser may also blame a survivor for the abuse, saying things like, why can’t you just do what I ask? or I was only violent because you got mad at me first.
Lauretta Reeves, Ph.D., a senior lecturer in the department of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin, told DomesticShelters.org that she believes the only solution to helping some survivors see abuse is not their fault, or their responsibility to end, is by leaving.
“Only with distance can you see the dynamics. If you are still in contact, the abuser will likely use that pity channel effectively,” she says. “Your partner is interested in maintaining the status quo and will say or do whatever it takes to gain control of the situation again. Most abusers don’t change, because they don’t think they have to.”
Only a survivor knows when it’s safest to leave an abusive partner. If a survivor chooses to stay with someone who has NPD, there may be a rollercoaster effect to the relationship. There will be good days and bad days—but the bad days can get far darker than those in a relationship with a healthy person. Abuse almost always escalates, and a survivor should pay attention to the warning signs.
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It’s important a partner always listens to his or her gut, or intuition. If something feels off, or increasingly dangerous, it probably is. If you have a bad feeling about a partner, don’t ignore it. Gift of Fear author and violence expert Gavin de Becker lists 13 “Messengers of Intuition”—things you may feel when you’re around someone that signal something is worth paying attention to. They include:
Leaving a narcissistic abuser will be tricky because the mind games, manipulation, veiled or overt threats and guilt trips will only intensify. Consider these steps when leaving an abusive partner.
After leaving an abuser, it’s important to also work on repairing your self-esteem which an abuser has likely torn down. Do something for yourself that makes you remember who you are, be it taking a solo vacation, an art class or simply dancing around the house to your favorite music. Read more ways survivors found themselves after leaving abuse.
We've prepared a toolkit "What Is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?" to help you understand even more what NPD is so you can better assess your relationship and understand your situation.
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