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Home / Resources / Mobile Apps for Victims and Survivors

Mobile Apps for Victims and Survivors


Bright Sky is the latest digital resource available to support anyone concerned about or experiencing domestic violence. A free, safe, and easy-to-use mobile app and website, Bright Sky connects those impacted by domestic violence to practical information to educate, detect warning signs, and deliver life-saving information and features to respond to domestic violence – while offering a secure route for support. Download the app on your device here


eBodyGuard is a voice- or button-activated app that notifies 911 emergency responders in the U.S. of your location, sends your location to a predesignated emergency contact, and records surrounding audio that can be used as evidence in a criminal investigation.

Pros:  Criminal Justice Information System-compliant app, which means that the data collection process and the eBodyGuard team are FBI-certified to collect and record crime scene data, which is more likely admissible in court.  

Cons: Voice activation can be triggered accidentally. However, if a user accidentally activates e-BodyGuard, a code can be entered to deactivate it.


Helps you document abuse that can become essential when working with law enforcement and the judicial system. VictimsVoice is a password-protected “progressive web app,” which makes it less likely for an abuser to detect on a survivor’s phone. 

Pros: Helps you create legally admissible chronological records to submit in court. 

Cons: A little pricey at $39.95, but the information is kept safe indefinitely, even if you stop using the app and need to come back to it years later.

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TapeACall Pro

Because threats and protection order violations often take place over the phone, it’s worthwhile to record phone conversations with your abuser. TapeACall allows you to record incoming/outgoing phone calls without an indication to the third party they’re being recorded. 

Pro: Recording and retrieving audio files is quite simple.

Con: The Pro version is $9.99. TapeACall Lite is free but only affords you access to the first 60 seconds of playback.


Feel more secure traversing in uncomfortable locations and situations. Simply hold down a button on the screen when feeling unsafe. If released, 911 is contacted and police are dispatched. To cancel the call, enter a four-digit pin.

Pro: Intuitive and simple to use. A personal pin number you create is required to cancel your call for help.

Con: While the download is free, you’ll need to buy a monthly subscription starting at $2.99 to access the features. 


This free app helps to assess the danger level of one’s current partner. After answering a series of questions—either for yourself or someone else—you’ll receive a score of 0 to 20 on a danger scale followed by an action plan to help you figure out what to do next. myPlan is also for friends and family who are concerned about a partner to learn strategies for how to support their loved one.

Pro: Easy, quick to use. Also provides 24/7 advocate support through an embedded live chat feature.

Con: Developed based on research of women—doesn’t take into consideration male-only relationships or female-on-male violence. Update: myPlan has been updated to include survivors of all genders with partners of all genders! 


Your trusted contacts receive an SOS text or voice message when you need help. Created by the When Georgia Smiled: Robin McGraw Revelation Foundation, this app is disguised as a news feed, a super-smart feature when you figure abusive partners often monitor their victim’s phone activity. 

Pro: Well-disguised so an abuser may be none the wiser.

Con: Takes a little bit of time to set up and figure out.

Talking Parents

Provides co-parents with a secure, accountable, and complete record of all communication. The app includes payments, calling, messaging, planning, and coordination tools for organized co-parenting. 

Pro: Keeps a record of all conversations that are easy to access and could potentially be admissible in court.

Con:  Monthly subscription fee to use the premium features including the messaging service. 

Our Family Wizard

Helps you solve shared custody challenges faster and without confusion and less conflict. Powerful tools to document parenting time, reimbursement requests, payments, exchanges, and more. 

Pro: Keeps track of when emails are sent, read, and replied to.

Con: Doesn’t offer video call logging through the app. 

The following guidelines are used by to determine which books we will make available in our Recommended Books section. If you are an author and would like us to consider your book for our site, please review the guidelines carefully before submitting. To submit a book, email us at and include a PDF copy of the book.

  • Your book must be published by a traditional publisher, not self-published.
  • The book must be professionally written, researched, fact-checked, edited and copyedited.
  • The book must meet book publishing industry standards for formatting, structure and presentation.
  • The writing must exhibit expert understanding of domestic violence or related topics.
  • The author is ideally widely recognized for their expertise on the topic presented.
  • The book must have an ISBN 10.
  • The book must be available through
  • You must submit a PDF version of the book so that it can be easily reviewed.

While we receive many book submissions and reserve the right to determine which books will become available on, we’re nonetheless greatly appreciative of all the good work created by the many people working to help survivors and end domestic violence.