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This piece was originally published in 2016. It was updated in 2024.
Maybe this sounds familiar: A friend, family member or coworker tells you that they’re not exactly happy in their current relationship. You ask what’s going on, like the caring person you are, and they begin to describe to you what sounds like abuse. Their partner is controlling or constantly jealous. They often put down your friend, call her names or make little comments that degrade her self-esteem. Maybe they’re tightly controlling the money in the relationship. They’re making your friend do things she’s not comfortable doing. Maybe they’re inflicting physical abuse—shoving, hitting, throwing things when they’re angry or have even put their hands around your friend’s neck (this is strangulation). Your friend says she feels like she’s constantly walking on eggshells, afraid to say or do the wrong thing.
You jump into advice-giving mode: This is what you’re going to do now, you say, and you begin trying to persuade your friend to leave to break up with this partner as soon as possible.
A week later, she acts like the conversation between the two of you never happened. Everything’s fine, she says. Turns out, her partner actually did this really sweet and romantic thing. But your instincts tell you otherwise. Frustrated, you don’t know whether you should let it drop or keep pushing them to talk about it. After all, it could be a matter of life or death.
It can feel frustrating to learn a friend is being abused only to have them turn around and minimize it. A survivor may even become hostile toward a support person who’s trying to convince them to leave. You may feel like your care and concern aren’t appreciated and step away from this friend.
That’s exactly what the abuser was hoping you’d do.
Abusers often play a convoluted long game to isolate their partner from anyone who may try to help them leave. They do this by using myriad tactics of abuse to exert power and control, from fear and intimidation to brainwashing and gaslighting. Then, every so often, it’s likely things will seem back to normal. An abusive partner may be contrite, sweet, even romantic. All of a sudden, the survivor doesn’t know what to think—which version of their partner is the real one? It’s all a dizzying game created by an abusive partner to keep a survivor trapped.
This is what’s often referred to as the “cycle of abuse.” While not all relationships with abusive partners follow this, many do to some extent, and the visual can often help survivors and support persons alike understand how abusers operate. The cycle suggests there are often four phases of abusive behavior that happen repeatedly.
A survivor may not be ready for help because she’s not yet ready to come to terms with the fact that she’s being abused. Most of us believe we could see an abuser’s tricks from a mile away, but the truth is, abusers can manipulate anyone. And it’s difficult to see the abuse when you’re in the middle of it.
For other survivors, they may realize they’re being abused, but feel too trapped to leave. They may be holding out hope for change, they could be financially or physically dependent on the abuser, or they may fear their life or their children’s lives will be in danger if they try to end the relationship. That’s why it’s important to remember that only a survivor knows when it’s the right time to leave.
In the meantime, here are five ways you can continue to provide support. It’s important to remember that helping a survivor doesn’t mean telling them what to do, especially since that’s the type of control the abuser has been utilizing all along:
You’re fearing for your friend’s safety, so it may cross your mind that calling the police will help. While your heart’s in the right place, there are some things to consider first.
If someone is in immediate danger, as in, it’s happening in that moment, then a call to 911 is warranted. But if you have only heard about the abuse from the survivor and it’s not happening at that current moment, police are unlikely to respond. Also, calling the police for a survivor when she isn’t aware of this could put her in more danger. If police simply come to check on the survivor and there is no cause for arrest, there’s a chance the abuser will retaliate against the survivor once they leave.
If you’re struggling with whether or not to call police, you may want to first reach out to a trained domestic violence advocate at a local or national hotline. Advocates know how stressful it is to witness someone you care about being abused and can help advise you further on the best course of action.
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Menstruation is an experience shared by
generations of women across the globe.
Sadly, abuse is another commonly shared experience between women.
Be it physical or psychological, abuse is not OK in any form.
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