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Home / Data Center / Surveys / Did an abuser ever use sleep deprivation as a form of abuse?

Did an abuser ever use sleep deprivation as a form of abuse? closed

  • Yes, my abuser wouldn’t let me fall or stay asleep.
  • Yes, and my abuser would physically, sexually or verbally abuse me when I fell asleep.
  • Yes, and my abuser would punish me the next day for making mistakes while exhausted.
  • No, my abuser never used sleep deprivation as an abuse tactic.


  • Yes, my abuser wouldn’t let me fall or stay asleep. 808 votes
  • Yes, and my abuser would physically, sexually or verbally abuse me when I fell asleep. 474 votes
  • No, my abuser never used sleep deprivation as an abuse tactic. 354 votes
  • Yes, and my abuser would punish me the next day for making mistakes while exhausted. 161 votes
  • Yes, my abuser wouldn’t let me fall or stay asleep. 808 votes
  • Yes, and my abuser would physically, sexually or verbally abuse me when I fell asleep. 474 votes
  • No, my abuser never used sleep deprivation as an abuse tactic. 354 votes
  • Yes, and my abuser would punish me the next day for making mistakes while exhausted. 161 votes

Total Participation (1797 participants)

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