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Home / Data Center / Surveys / As a Black survivor of DV, did you or have you felt reluctant to disclose abuse?

As a Black survivor of DV, did you or have you felt reluctant to disclose abuse? closed

(Please select all that apply)
  • Yes, because I’m afraid of being harassed or harmed by the police.
  • Yes, because I’m afraid of turning my partner over to the police, or I believe I should stand by him no matter what.
  • Yes, because of judgment from my own community.
  • Yes, because I’m afraid of raising my children alone or separating them from their father.
  • Yes, because of financial insecurity.
  • Yes, but for another reason not listed.
  • No, I have or will disclose abuse to someone.


  • Yes, because I’m afraid of turning my partner over to the police, or I believe I should stand by him no matter what. 56 votes
  • Yes, but for another reason not listed. 52 votes
  • Yes, because of financial insecurity. 50 votes
  • No, I have or will disclose abuse to someone. 47 votes
  • Yes, because I’m afraid of being harassed or harmed by the police. 44 votes
  • Yes, because I’m afraid of raising my children alone or separating them from their father. 40 votes
  • Yes, because of judgment from my own community. 36 votes
  • Yes, because I’m afraid of turning my partner over to the police, or I believe I should stand by him no matter what. 56 votes
  • Yes, but for another reason not listed. 52 votes
  • Yes, because of financial insecurity. 50 votes
  • No, I have or will disclose abuse to someone. 47 votes
  • Yes, because I’m afraid of being harassed or harmed by the police. 44 votes
  • Yes, because I’m afraid of raising my children alone or separating them from their father. 40 votes
  • Yes, because of judgment from my own community. 36 votes

Total Participation (325 participants)

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