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Home / Questions / What Are the Power and Control Wheels?

What Are the Power and Control Wheels?

Resources to Help Identify the Power and Control Wheels

  • Oct 25, 2021
What Are the Power and Control Wheels?

Many survivors of domestic abuse and violence will say that the first time they saw the Power and Control Wheel, what they were going through suddenly made sense.

We've prepared a toolkit to help you understand the Power and Control Wheels so you can better assess and understand your situation. You can download the toolkit here, or by using the pink VIEW TOOLKIT button above.

Inside you’ll find links to helpful articles, recommended books, checklists, relevant survivor survey results, support communities and how to find help.

Remember, survivors are strong, capable and perseverant. Help is out there, though, and it’s important for survivors to know they don’t have to tackle the healing process alone.