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Domestic Violence Support Group Online
Posted 05/11/2023
Welcome to the group! You can connect with other members, get updates, and share information. Every Monday, we will be on a secure private Zoom with two hosts starting Monday at 8 pm. Have you dealt with Domestic Violence, child abuse, sexual trauma of assault, or any trauma from abuse and need a quality group to join, to engage, and learn healthy healing conversation processes to heal through the journey of the brokenness to healing? Please RSVP at www.fft-helpingothers.com/events to register. This is a Zoom room; we do this to control the environment in the room and ensure safety. * Rules for the entrance: 1. No background drops, no self-promotions, no spam- we need to see what is behind you to make sure you are safe 2. If you are phoning in, please call in with your actual number and place your real name 3. In Zoom room, you do not have to place your real name in the chat room; you can have a different code or nickname if uncomfortable 4. We will use chats for emergencies, and a co-host will be vigilant looking for these chats 5. Also, please utilize the DV national hand ✋️ gesture if unsafe, and police in your area will be dispatched, so please be aware 6. Before entering the room, Please be advised all support group sessions are recorded and not given to any other support room members. Still, in the need of said recordings for court or legal proceedings related to Domestic Violence, we will provide a virtual copy ONLY to an advocacy 501C3 non-profit organization and your advocate. 7. Please be advised there are no LAWYERS in this support group, and this is not a place to get free law advice, but other survivors can share what has worked for them. Please remember that this is a support group to share, grow, hold each other up with strength, and be accountable as support members. These are not individualized therapy sessions. Come join us as we share and learn to grow together and become part of a group that will help you heal, learn skills, and guide you on a journey for support. No judgment, stress, or persecution, just developing relationships that make ways to healthy paths to work through healthy growth patterns in healing. See you every other Monday from 8pm to 10 pm, supported by FFT Helping Others Counseling LLC and FFT HELPING OTHERS 501C3 NONPROFIT. We are excited and cannot wait to see you all at the DV National Support Care group. Please sign up for free registration for this support group at https://www.fft-helpingothers.com/events